Why Do You Wait After A Cleaning Before Eating Your Next Meal?

Posted on 04/26/2021 by Joshua M. Ignatowicz DMD & Associates

Going for dental cleanings at least twice a year is necessary to keep your mouth healthy. However, after the cleaning, it is important to know how long you should wait to eat your next meal. This is because most people prefer not to eat before their visit and maybe hungry after cleaning. However, the good news is that you could eat immediately after cleaning without any issues if you have general cleaning. However, if you had specialized cleaning, comprising of fluoride treatment, you may need to wait.

Fluoride And Teeth Cleaning

During cleaning, we may use fluoride on your teeth to strengthen your enamel. Fluoride treatment is necessary if you consume acidic or sugary foods, which are harmful to your enamel. After a fluoride treatment, you will need to wait for 30 minutes before your next meal. This duration allows the fluoride to settle in your teeth.

What Foods You Can Eat After Cleaning

While it is possible to eat immediately after cleaning if you have not undergone a fluoride treatment, your gum condition will dictate just how soon you can eat. If, after assessment, we deduce that your gums can easily bleed, you may need to wait for about 30 minutes before grabbing your next meal. Tooth sensitivity may also make you delay eating for some minutes, but it should fade after some time. After cleaning, not all foods will be friendly to your teeth. Thus, you should avoid spicy, sugary, and acidic foods for at least 24 hours to give your teeth and gums time to relax. It is also advisable to stick to soft foods rather than crunchy and hard foods after cleaning and continue practicing good oral hygiene for a healthy mouth. For more details on dental cleaning, contact our office today.